The Humane Society of West Michigan (HSWM) was recently contacted by a partner shelter to assist with the intake of over 78 Pomeranians from a large scale rescue and owner surrender.
Despite being almost at capacity, our shelter was able to assist this effort and take 8 adult Pomeranians into our care. Little did we know that our shelter was in store for a big surprise. One of our rescued Pomeranians, Goldie, unexpectedly gave birth to 4 puppies!
We are happy to report that Goldie and her puppies Moose, Otter, Harper, and Chip are all doing well- though they have a long road ahead of them. Today, we are asking for your help to care for these Pomeranians and puppies in need.
Your donation will help provide medical care, foster support, and intake collaboration to care for animals like these Pomeranians and their puppies.